Registered Rules: These rule sets are provided by Talos. Community Rules: These are freely available rule sets, created by the Snort user community. In the same way that antivirus and anti-malware packages rely on up-to-date virus signature definitions to be able to identify and protect you from the newest threats, Snort’s rules are updated and reissued frequently so that Snort is always operating at its optimum effectiveness. A comprehensive set of rules define what counts as “suspicious” and what Snort should do if a rule is triggered. In particular, it looks for anything that might indicate unauthorized access attempts and other attacks on the network. Snort analyzes network traffic in real-time and flags up any suspicious activity. Originally developed by Sourcefire, it has been maintained by Cisco’s Talos Security Intelligence and Research Group since Cisco acquired Sourcefire in 2013. It has been called one of the most important open-source projects of all time. Snort is one of the best known and widely used network intrusion detection systems (NIDS).
Security is everything, and Snort is world-class.
Run Snort on Linux and protect your network with real-time traffic analysis and threat detection.