NetFramework is enabled / installed on the computer 4. EasyTundra – it is written in C # (si sharpe) therefore it is necessary that.

The trainer is also protected by ASProtect, which gives additional false positives by antiviruses. + The trainer is written not on pure Delphi but on the HiAsm engine – a constructor, which gives an additional minus to the optimization of the program. Miner is not there, at least in the original source. In view of the fact that this is Delphi, this means an automatic constant load on the processor if very briefly. + The trainer uses signatures in the search for working offsets, so it does not need to be updated after each patch or micropatch, only a very big game update can spoil it. A trainer was written on the Cheat Engine. It’s just that the trainer itself is scripted and at startup it is unpacked, the “non-scripted” version of the trainer is launched, so antiviruses are extremely unsatisfied with this. (turning on turning off trees, sky, etc.) 2.

Offsets are the addresses of the cells in memory at which the values change. The main version of the game! Offsets (memory addresses) for the 32-bit version of the game are different from offsets for the 64-bit version of the game. It does not matter which Windows you have, 32 or 64. All trainers are intended only for the 32-bit version of the game client and run with Administrator rights. New shortcut MUST be set to be RUN AS ADMINSTRATOR ().ġ. Standard game launcher from now one will be used ONLY to update the game. From now on, use ONLY this shortcut to start the game. Right click on the worlfoftanks.exe, SENT TO -> DESKTOP (). Follow the procedure below to force the game to run in 64-bit mode: Locate folder c:\Games\World_of_Tanks_XX\win64\. DrWebber Tundra – probably the best and most stable Tundra for WoT out there After patch, ALL TUNDRAS NEED A 64-bit GAME CLIENT TO WORK PROPERLY.